Swiss contribution to selected EU states
However, large economic and social disparities remain between old and new EU countries. For example, in the year following the eastern enlargement, GDP per capita in some of the new member states was less than half the EU average. Cohesion – harmonious development in Europe – continues to face major challenges, some of which are new, particularly in migration and youth unemployment.
Swiss interests
The second Swiss contribution amounts to CHF 1,302 million and will be implemented in 2019–29.
The second Swiss contribution has five objectives:
Promote economic growth and social partnership and reduce unemployment
Objective 2
Manage migration with greater integration and increase public security
Objective 3
Protect the environment and climate
Objective 4
Strengthen social and health systems
Objective 5
Promote civic engagement and transparency
Swiss contribution for cohesion in 2019–29
50% of this will go towards structurally weak regions in the larger partner countries.