Foreign policy strategy
Swiss foreign policy strategies
Cascading foreign policy strategy
Cascading foreign policy strategy
The Federal Council has fleshed out certain areas of the FPS 2020–23 in a series of thematic and geographical follow-up strategies, which it also intends to adopt. These follow-up strategies constitute the second stage of a strategy cascading process. At the third stage in the process, the departments will ultimately develop approaches to implementing the Federal Council's strategies at operational level. These may include guidelines, action plans and cooperation programmes.
With this strategy cascading process, the Federal Council seeks to achieve greater coherence in Swiss foreign policy. The various strategies and other documents relating to foreign policy strategy cascading are available here. A Swiss foreign policy glossary is also available.
Foreign Policy Strategy 2020–23
Foreign Policy Strategy 2020–23
- Peace and security
- Prosperity
- Sustainability
- Digitalisation
Article 54 provides that "the Confederation shall ensure that the independence of Switzerland and its welfare is safeguarded; it shall in particular assist in the alleviation of need and poverty in the world and promote respect for human rights and democracy, the peaceful co-existence of peoples as well as the conservation of natural resources."
The foreign policy strategy provides guidance for all strategies at departmental level that focus on particular themes and geographical areas.
This will enable foreign policy to be implemented consistently across all thematic areas with the involvement of all key stakeholders.
Foreign Policy Strategy 2020-2023
Follow-up strategies
Geographical strategies
Implementation documents
FDFA policy documents
Foreign Policy Vision
Switzerland's 2028 Foreign Policy Vision (AVIS28)
Switzerland's 2028 Foreign Policy Vision (AVIS28)
Overview and glossary
All strategies
Foreign Policy Strategy
Arms Control and Disarmament Strategy
Digital Foreign Policy Strategy
International Cooperation Strategy
Strategy for Communication Abroad
Americas Strategy
China Strategy
Sub-Saharan Africa Strategy
MENA Strategy
South East Asia Strategy
Guidelines on Water
Action Plan for the OSCE
Guidelines on Human Rights
General Guidance on the Private Sector