Swiss International Cooperation – Annual Report 2018
Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch
SECO Director
Manuel Sager
SDC Director General
Overcoming global challenges
Managing crises, disasters and fragility
Resources and services for all
Promoting sustainable economic growth
Strengthening the rule of law, democracy and institutions
Promoting human rights and basic freedoms
Achieving gender equality
Migration in focus
Effectiveness in focus
Statistics 2018
Stat A Ausg. Themen
Stat A2 Deza HH
Humanitarian Aid
Stat A2 Seco
SECO Development and economic cooperation by objective
Stat A2 Deza Süd
SDC Development Cooperation
With a view to ensuring sustainable development, the principles of gender mainstreaming and good governance are a common thread running through all its work.
Stat A2 Deza Ost
SDC Cooperation with Eastern Europe
Stat A Ausgaben Reg.
Goto first pageEurope, North Africa and the Middle East
In North Africa, projects focus on democratic transition and human rights, sustainable and inclusive economic development and employment, and migration and protection.
In the Middle East, SDC is working to provide protection and basic services for refugees and others in need, and to ensure sustainable water management.
Subsaharian Africa
The focus of development cooperation is on the access of poor people to basic social services (health, education), infrastructure (water), employment and income, and sustainable growth.
Many regions of sub-Saharan Africa are experiencing chronic crisis, with affected populations relying on humanitarian assistance on a recurring and / or prolonged basis. In those regions, humanitarian interventions take place in coordinated actions with other partners of the international cooperation.
Switzerland's international cooperation in East and South Asia focuses on countries and regions with persistently high multidimensional poverty rates, for example in terms of income, lack of security, limited access to services, chronic malnutrition, vulnerability to ecological and economic shocks, and social and ethnic discrimination of large population groups.
Latin America
In Peru, SECO’s main areas of support are the development of economic institutions, private sector competitiveness and access to basic public services. In Columbia, where certain areas continue to be heavily impacted by the presence of organized armed groups and organized crime. SECO is working to create better economic prospects, thereby also contributing to lasting peace.
Stat A Ausg. Zeit
Distribution and evolution of SDC expenditures
Since 2016 onwards, the international cooperation credits have been deeply impacted by budgets cuts decided by the Federal Council and approved by the Parliament (stabilisation programs and debt brake).
Distribution and evolution of SECO expenditures
Bilateral expenditures by region
SECO is more active in middle-income countries. Transition assistance in Eastern countries accounts for more than a third of 2018 expenditure. South and East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America are, in almost equal parts, the other main recipient regions.
Stat B APD int
Switzerland in international comparison ODA 2018
In terms of financial volume, the largest donors are the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan and France. Switzerland take the 12th place in absolute numbers.
Stat B APD temp
Composition and evolution of Swiss ODA
The target set by the Parliament of an ODA/GNI rate of 0.5% has been reached by 2015 thanks to the growth of the means granted to international cooperation. From 2017, however, ODA has been declining as a result of reduced asylum costs and savings measures affecting international cooperation credits. The current ODA/GNI rate has fallen to 0.44%.
Stat B APD multi temp
Composition and evolution of multilateral ODA of Switzerland
During the last fitfeen years, Switzerland's share of multilateral ODA remained relatively stable, between 20% and 25% of total ODA.
Contributions to international non-governmental organisations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), are considered bilateral ODA and therefore do not appear in this table.
Saving millions of tonnes of CO2 thanks to energy-efficient buildings
- In hot climates, the sun's heating effect on buildings is reduced.
- In cooler climates, the potential loss of warmth through the building's thermal shell is limited.
- Natural ventilation is used to further reduce the need for cooling.
- Better use of daylight saves energy.
The goal of these measures is to create a comfortable indoor climate without the need for additional cooling or heating.
Website: Indo-Swiss Building Energy Efficiency Projekt (BEEP)
Post on 'Better buildings = less pollution' on Switzerland’s official 2030 Agenda Facebook channel
7A UN-Women
Gender equality in budgeting
1B Zentralasien
Multilateral engagement for more and better jobs
4A Kakao
Joint efforts for sustainable cocoa
Video: Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa
Website: Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa
7B Wom. Fin. Inclusion
Women's economic empowerment as a prerequisite for sustainable development
"When we exclude women, everyone pays the price. When we include women, the world wins."
António Guterres
UN Secretary-General
- More than 700 million women are missing from the labour market
- Women earn 24% less than men for similar work
- Women do three times more unpaid work
"1 billion women are unbanked. Closing the gender gaps in product access across the retail banking sector could unlock at least USD50 billion in additional annual revenue."
Mary Ellen Iskenderian
President and CEO of Women’s World Banking
SDC Website: Gender equality
1D Entwicklungsreport
Jobs with a future: go with the flow
The World Bank Group is one of the most important institutions for financing and knowledge transfer in developing countries. Switzerland is represented by an executive director at the World Bank's board of directors.
SECO Website: World Bank calls for investment in education and health
4B Social Entrepre.
Social entrepreneurship as part of Blue Peace is revolutionising the water sector
Mohamad Fakhreddine
Co-founder of Lebanese start-up Clean2O
Clean2O has developed a clever, low-cost water filter to make the contaminated water in Lebanon's refugee camps safe to drink.
PDF Global Brief: 'Blue Peace: An ideal turns into an international movement'
Website: CEWAS
7C Global Clothing
GTEX – more equality in the textile industry
The GTEX programme supports its partner companies in establishing good working conditions and complying with both social and environmental standards.
Sewer from Kyrgyzstan
Fariza Sheisheyva
Entrepreneur from Kyrgyzstan
Sheisheyva co-owns the Kyrgyz art group SAMA, which mainly employs people with disabilities and offers them vocational training. GTEX provides product development and marketing training courses for SAMA.
PDF: Factsheet GTEX
A forgotten conflict on Europe's doorstep
In February and March 2018, a team from the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit arrived in the region of Donetsk and Luhansk, in eastern Ukraine.
Video: Swiss Humanitarian Aid in Eastern Ukraine
Valerii Selishchev
Head of the Upper Kalmius Water Filtration Plant at Voda Donbasa, Donetsk
4C Erweiterungsbeitrag
Reduce economic and social disparities
SDC Website: Results in Bulgaria
SDC Website: Results in Croatia
SDC Website: Results in Romania
2C Rohingyas/Nexus
The exodus of the Rohingyas
4D Market Alliances
Switzerland supports initiatives in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to promote sustainable economic growth
Mig-C Diaspora Dev.
Diaspora – ein Entwicklungsfaktor
2D Nicaragua
A country on the brink
The country's food security depends on the survival of the smallholders and their ability to adapt to climate change by diversifying their crops while improving quality and yield.
Marjorie Rivera
Administrative assistant, SDC (Nicaragua)
SDC Website: Central America
5A EITI-Board
Transparency in commodity trading
However, local populations usually derive little benefit from the commodities trade, and these countries do not fully realise their development potential.
Website: EITI standard implementation status per country
SECO Website: Strengthening public finances
Mig-E Eco. Inclusion
Improving specialist skills in Egypt
2E City Resilence
City Resilience Program
SECO Website: Developing cities sustainably
5B Social Inclusion
Leave no one behind
Alla Wnukowa
Internally displaced, Manager
Kramatorsk, Donetsk area
Mig-F Education Mali
Leaving no child behind: school as a space for creating opportunities and cohesion
Bintou Cisse
Class facilitator in Taoudenni
To meet the challenges of fragile contexts such as Mali, Switzerland favours an approach that combines short-term humanitarian aid with longer-term development cooperation.
SDC Website: Universal right to basic education
3A Rural Water
Die Schweiz unterstützt seit dem Ende der Sowjetunion Anfang der 90er Jahre die zentralasiatischen Staaten in ihrer politischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Transformation.
Neben vielen anderen Herausforderungen ist das gerechte Aufteilen des Wassers in den Anliegerstaaten von grosser Bedeutung.
Trotz bestimmter Differenzen sind sich die Staaten der Region darin einig, dass Wasser eine stabilisierende und friedensfördernde Rolle spielt.
Bild fehlt
Gerade die ländlichen Regionen spüren die Wasserknappheit als erste. Um dem Wassermangel vorzubeugen, fördert die Schweiz einen regen Austausch zwischen den zentralasiatischen Staaten. Dies wird «Wasserdiplomatie» genannt.
2018 hat die Schweiz für Wasserexperten der verschiedenen Staaten einen Besuch in Westafrika im Gebiet des Senegal-Flusses organisiert. Dort pflegen Senegal, Mauretanien, Mali und Guinea eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit.
Beispielsweise unterstützt die Schweiz die Länder beim Aufbau einer funktionierenden Infrastruktur. So können unter anderem zuverlässige Daten erhoben werden. Dies erhöht wiederum die Transparenz beim Austausch der Länder untereinander.
Damit können diese auch nach dem Abschluss des Projekts weiterfunktionieren. Nicht weniger wichtig ist es, die junge Generation miteinzubeziehen.
Deshalb setzt sich die Schweiz dafür ein, junge Menschen für die Thematik zu sensibilisieren, sie auszubilden und ihnen ein Netzwerk zu bieten, damit sie aktiv werden können.
5C UN-Reform
Reforms at the United Nations to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Healthy diets as a key to development
Gerda Verburg
SUN Coordinator
She has been leading the international movement with great momentum.
Twitter: Scaling Up Nutrition Movement
SDC Website: Global Programme Food Security
5D Décentr. Somalie
Rebuilding the state after the long civil war
"If you are fresh from college or university, it’s hard to get a job. When you get one, it’s difficult to perform without any training. Training and mentoring before taking any job are crucial."
Hilaal Abdi Elmi
Former graduate trainee
Video Puntland: The United Nations Joint Programme on local governance and decentralized service delivery
Video Somaliland: The United Nations Joint Programme on local governance and decentralized service delivery
Wirk-A Gender
Effectiveness report on gender equality
3D Social Impact Bonds
New financing mechanisms in international cooperation
Video: SIB-Conference, Welcome Remarks by State Secretary Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch
SECO Website: Social Impact Bonds Conference 18.01.2018
6A Mental Health
Gaza: vital support bringing relief to the inhabitants
SDC Website: Occupied Palestinian Territory
Wirk-B Halbzeitbericht
Mid-term report on the implementation of the Dispatch on Switzerland's International Cooperation 2017–2020
At the end of 2018, the Federal Council reported to Parliament on the current state of implementation of the 2017–2020 dispatch.
- Switzerland has reached 5.3 million people in emergency situations..
- 9 million people, more than half women, have been able to access basic education and vocational skills development.
- 517,000 businesses have obtained access to capital such as repayable loans, holdings and advice on improving company management.
- Thanks to Switzerland, 3.3 billion kilowatt hours of renewable energy have been produced.
- Switzerland has supported 10 official peace processes such as the Syrian peace process.
SDC Website: Mid-term report (de/fr/it)
3E Mekong
Smallholders forced to give up their land for the economy
"If we don't have records, we have no protection against land grabbing. If we don't document this properly, the next generation won't know where their land is."
A villager
"The company supported the village's development fund. With this fund, they have set up a water supply system for the villagers. This helped us because we no longer have to walk far to fetch water. The company also provides jobs in the village."
A villager
Dang Van Xi
Video: Mekong Region Land Governance
6B Justice Bolivia
Bolivia: a judicial system addressing the needs of the most disadvantaged groups
SDC Website: Bolivia
Lebanon: the impact of the Syrian crisis on water
Video: Switzerland's commitment to sustainable water management in Lebanon